Ways to improve the environment

Concept Explanation

Ways to improve the environment

  • .Dispose the wastes after separating them into biodegradable and non- biodegradable waste material.
  • Old batteries and used tyres should be recycled or safely disposed.
  • Don’t burn any waste, especially plastics, as the smoke may contain polluting gases.
  • Use unleaded petrol and alternate sources of energy. Avoid fast starts and sudden breaking of automobiles.
  • Walk or cycle where it is safe to do so. Walking and cycling can help keep you fit and save fuel.
  • Use a car pool for everyday travel.
  • Avoid unnecessary or wasteful packaging of products.
  • Plant trees. They will help to absorb excess carbon
  • Celebrate World Environment Day on 5th June every year.
  • Keep your garden or greenspace chemical free.

    Cut down on your use of herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals kill butterflies, moths and other pollinating insects, such as ladybirds, beetles and spiders – the natural enemies of your garden pests.

    Don’t buy single-use plastics

    Pop a flask or reusable bottle in your bag next time you are out and about. Make this a habit and cut your weekly bottle buying altogether, stopping 52 bottles ending up in landfills and oceans. More than 2,600 plastic bottles a year would be stopped from entering our environment altogether if just 50 people packed a flask instead of buying a bottle. Small changes can make a big difference.

    Shop locally, shop organically.

    If you have the chance, buying fresh organic food is a great way to support local farmers, reduce your carbon footprint and support nature with your food choices.

    Record the wildlife near you

    Recording the wildlife where you live provides vital information which helps conservationists protect the environment. The information is used by the government to reveal the health of the environment at national, UK and European levels.

    Re-use and Recycle.

    Reducing the amount of “stuff” you consume has the greatest benefits for the planet. It’s best to avoid waste in the first place, so think more carefully about your purchases. Re-using items saves the natural resources and energy needed to manufacture new ones - as well as saving money.

    Plant pollinator-friendly plants.

    Help butterflies, moths and other pollinators without breaking the bank, by adding a container of nectar plants to your doorstep, balcony or back garden this spring. Plots For Pollinators is a project for everyone; you don’t need a garden or green fingers to be able to grow a plant that will help our struggling butterflies and bees.

    Conserving water at home is one of the easiest ways to protect the environment. Think of all the times you consume water, both inside and outside your home; then, make adjustments as you can.

    For example:

  • Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth.
  • Fix leaky faucets.
  • Make your water use more efficient by aerating faucets, using sprinklers that reduce runoff and installing low-flow toilets and efficient shower heads.
  • Collect and use rainwater for watering plants.
  • Shorten your shower by a few minutes—or skip it altogether if you don't really need one that day.
  • Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when it's full
  • Sample Questions
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